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I don't have a guitar yet, can I still take lessons?


- Yes! if you are a total beginner then for the first few lessons, you don't necessarily need a guitar. It is recommended though to get your own after the first month so you can start practicing your first easy pieces. I strongly recommend though, for your first guitar, to get the cheapest, second-hand instrument you can find that is not heavily damaged. Gumtree and charity shops are great places to start.



Do I need to buy books?


- Not necessarily, I have a long collection from which I can provide any piece that the student needs. I do encourage you though to slowly start your own collection once you feel comfortable enough and experiment with your new skills!



Can I have the lessons in my place?


- Depends on the location. Feel free to get in contact and we can discuss!



How often should I have a lesson?


- It is advisable to have one lesson every week in order to implement what you learn and keep track of your progress. One lesson every 2 weeks is possible if you have a tight schedule and you need more time to practice before your next lesson. Less frequent than that becomes very challenging for the student and usually, they don't continue with their lessons.



How many hours do I need to study?


- That depends on your level, how fast you want to progress and of course your time schedule. No student is the same and it is my job to help you identify what you want and how to get there while enjoying the journey. As a rule of thumb, I would say 20-30 min every day or every other day is essential to start building muscle memory.



Is classical guitar the same with the acoustic guitar?


- Not at all. They are different instruments (despite looking alike) and they have a different repertoire and different style/technique. While these lessons are tailored for classical guitar we can explore the world of the acoustic guitar should the student requests it.

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